Sometimes within the course of a design process i find a point where all the parts of a project seem to fall into place and a solution becomes clear. A space within our consciousness where information morph’s into meaning. This space can be pregnant with meaning and potential but it can also contain a sense of tension as one state is destroyed to create the next. The liminal moment doesn’t happen with every project. It does not predispose success. But it does happen. And when it does it is different. A space where success and failure have an equal footing. A space which is pre-context, pre-meaning, and pre-design. With this project I hope to articulate the idea of the liminal space and to orchestrate this moment of tension. I hope to represent the character of the space and in so doing attempt to elongate what is primarily a fleeting moment.

Liminal Posters

Graphic Design

Memory Rounds the Corners.
Every city block in San Francisco.
Plus the 9 blocks that I lived on.

Every city that I’ve ever spent at least one night in. Extruded and collapsed on itself.

About A Boy.
Each of my school portraits, grades K-12. Using 256 colors. Arranged in sized based on my memory of the year.

Escape Routes.
Direct flights from each of the 3 cities that I grew up in.

Structure & Illusion.
The hierarchy of every page from the book “The User Illusion” by Tor Norretranders.

It takes approximately .05 seconds for our brains to process the information from our senses.

The Bill of Rights.
The US Bill of Rights. Enumerating our rights in the name of “ Freedom”. Typed with an alphabet of 26 colors.

The Patriot Act.
Our countries reaction to 911. Negating certain rights in the name of “Security”. Typed with an alphabet of 26 colors.

Half of a portrait of my parents. Rendered in 26 colors. Two very different people who share similar colors.

Half of a portrait of my parents. Rendered in 26 colors. Two very different people who share similar colors.
